I made this monkey cake a couple of weeks ago. It was during that week of so much cake baking that I forgot how to spell words and stay awake. Seriously, I don’t know what my problem is. The other day I went to bed at 8:30 PM. 8:30! If you ask Andrew he’ll tell you I went to bed at 4:15 PM. But that’s just because he’s a big liar.
Anyways, going to bed at 8:30 is weird. That night I woke up while dreaming about how I was telling my friend at work about how I went to bed at 8:30 and had a dream about me telling her about my dream. After falling back asleep I got up, went to work, and told my friend about my dream where I told her about my dream. I’m confused.
Oh right, cake.
So yeah, this was the third cake in the weekend of many cakes. I made this cake for my friend Jen’s son’s second birthday. He had a Paul Frank monkey themed birthday, although sadly none of the many children at this party were dressed like monkeys.
I’m still working on that whole buttercream icing thing. The monkey head itself was red velvet cake with cream cheese icing. It’s a bit softer which led to some smoothing difficulties, but all-in-all, I don’t think it was too shabby.
Also, I did not end up sleeping with my head in the cake which I would put at a moderate risk for that weekend.
The moral of the story? I need a lot of sleep.
I made a monkey cake for my birthday once! It didn’t look that great… but it was still cute