Goodbye Little Red, Hello Big Red

In Uncategorized by Simmie3 Comments

I know I told you I was going to tell you about sweet blueberry action, but it’s not ready. I have just about half the post all written up and ready to go, but then I got distracted.

Not too long ago I told you about a major life event. It was pretty exciting and I felt like it was a real stepping stone in my life as an adult.

Well, this weekend I took another step forward.

I bought a car.

(Ok, ok, this one is probably a bit more significant than buying a desk chair, but it was probably just as exciting (I got a lot of grief about that chair).)

It was sad to see the Corolla go. We named him (her? Are cars like boats and always girls?) Little Red just in time to see him (better late than never for a name, eh?) off to a new home.

(please excuse the crappy picture, apparently I don’t know how to use the camera on my phone)

I got Little Red in January of freshman year of college. I remember my only stipulations for a car were four doors and not red. (Apparently I don’t stand by my convictions very well…probably why I’m a terrible negotiator.) Since then, this car has taken me all over the place:

  • To 13 states
  • To and from college too many times to count
  • Home after college graduation
  • Moved me to Maryland
  • Moved me two more times since coming to Maryland
  • To my first day of work at my first real job
  • To the fateful snowboarding trip where I fell on my face on the first run of the day and spent New Year’s Eve with a huge black eye swollen shut
  • Endless trips between Baltimore and DC
  • To the beach
  • Road trips up and down the East Coast
  • Took The Jackster and me to the Outer Banks

But there are a few things I won’t miss:

  • Having to use one key to unlock the doors and a different key to start the car
  • The peeling trim, the CD console held shut by a bottle, the broken arm rest, and the general disintegration of the interior of my car
  • The feeling of wind blowing through my hair (with the windows up…)
  • The broken window that would go down, but wouldn’t go back up
  • Broken struts, dead batteries, new sensors, replacement belts…every month (although, I must say, my mechanic and I are quite chummy)

It’s been a fun ride (heehee), but I’m excited for my new wheels. Please say hello to Big Red:

Boy I look sheepish in that picture…ah well…cake is awesome though.

(Oh yeah…Big Red is a Subaru Outback…gotta support my active lifestyle! (and cake schlepping))


  1. Lots of luck for many new adventures in Big Red all of which I hope you post. So enjoy your blog as it brings back floods of good memories from Lawrence, Haverhill, Methuen etc especially now I am in Nevada. You beat me to lake Tahoe. Recognized Aunty Cindy and recalled the birthday parties with Seth & others. Take care Simmie, enjoy the car and keep us posted.

  2. you should make a cake of the cornell big red bear giving the big red car a thumbs up

  3. Congrats to you..

    I also got a vehicle, Chevy malibu- all i could afford.
    best of luck

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