Sandy Spring Adventure Park

In Life by Simmie7 Comments

The Adventure Park at Sandy Spring Friends School

Ok, before I get to everything else that has happened this month, I have to tell you about what Elise and I did today. Because it was AWESOME.

A year ago, Andrew and I bought tickets from Groupon for the Adventure Park at Sandy Spring Friends School. It was half price admission and it looked good. But then we forgot about them. Then it was winter. Then Andrew busted his leg in more way than one. Then a few days ago, I realized the Groupons were going to expire. So, I offhand mentioned them to Elise to see if she wanted to head to the park. And much to my surprise, she agreed!

So today, we trekked out to the middle of nowhere and got ready to do some climbing, zip-lining, and enjoy the great outdoors.

This place was amazing! There are dozen and dozens of different courses of various skill levels. We started with the beginner course and I’m glad we did. It required a whole lot more balance, strength, and guts than I was expecting.

Elise Monkeys AroundEverything was a little bit higher, a little bit wobblier, and a little bit scarier that it looked before you actually stepped onto each obstacle. But by far my favorite part was the zip lines. Since Elise weighs next to nothing, she almost got stuck on one, but I had no problem picking up speed for a smooth ride. SO COOL.

I believe this was before I got stuck on the tightrope and had to stand in the middle of it waiting for someone to come rescue me. After briefly entertaining the notion that I was going to end up dangling 20 feet above the ground, I managed to keep my composure until I was freed from my entanglement and safely made it to the platform. Then I smacked Elise in the head. Oops.

We climbed for two straight hours and probably could have gone on for a few more except the park closed. I can’t wait to go back. Also, it’s totally worth it just to see the landings at the end of each course. Elise is nothing, if not full of grace.

So if you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, MD, I highly recommend this. I’m going to be back swinging in the trees as soon as possible!



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