Empty Plate (15/366)

In 365Project, Eating Adventures by Simmie2 Comments

Empty Plate(15/366)

I meant to take a picture of my dinner for you because it was so delicious. But then it was so delicious that I ate my serving and then another serving before I could take a picture. I seriously considered eating another serving but then I would have eaten the entire thing and I’m not sure I could have taken myself seriously after that. (Which given what I ate a couple of days ago probably has no basis as an excuse.)

Now, unless your name is Elise Kramer or Andrew Leach, I will give you $50 if you can guess what I had for dinner.

Here’s a hint:

It’s from the Martha Stewart website.

Here’s another hint:

It involved beer.

Now, go!


  1. Pingback: Candlelight Conversations (31/366)

  2. Ohhh, BEER. You wrote “beet” in your IM and I was like, “huh, that’s interesting, I’ve never heard of doing that before.”

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