So That Just Happened… (65/366)

In 365Project by Simmie6 Comments

Flour Disaster(65/366)

Nothing like dropping 3 lbs of flour on the ground at 11:30 PM. Oops.

And this was such a successful night. Six dozen cupcakes baked. Three dozen hamantaschen made. Of course, last night’s batch of hamantaschen ended up a big exploded mess, so time will tell how these puppies turn out. Keep your fingers crossed. I’m running out of flour.

It’s all on the floor.


  1. I just meant the part that actually didn’t hit the floor, but I guess it just really soured the desire.

  2. Pingback: Hamantaschen (66/366)

  3. I agree with mom. We once had a Thanksgiving dish that we lovingly referred to as “floor potatoes”.

  4. What happened to the 10 second rule/ After all it was going to be baked and you do keep a clean house.

    1. Author

      Ok, well just for you, all of your future baked goods will be made with that flour.

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