Mainely Lobster (200/366)

In 365Project, Eating Adventures by Simmie1 Comment

Best Clam Strips and Onion Rings


Well, it’s official, I’m running a triathlon on Sunday. Not entirely sure how that happened…it kind of snuck up on me. I’ve been doing a bit of swimming and a bit of running, but nothing crazy. We’re doing it only for fun and hoping to not come in last. But if we come in last, I’m cool with that too.

In order to practice for the ocean swim, after work we decided to, well, go swim in the ocean. Turns out it’s kind of hard when the tide is coming in. We made it up shore with the die in no time flat and then spent the entire time it took us to swim 1/8 of a mile up shore to swim 40 feet in the other direction. There was, how shall we say it? A lack of forward process.

Naturally, we rewarded our semi-successful swim with a trip to Mainely Lobster. I’m still on a kick to try all of these “New England” restaurants that seem to have sprouted up and down the street near my house. A while ago we went to the Cape Codder. A bunch of people have been to the Lobster Shanty, and no one is brave enough to eat at Boston Beef and Seafood.

Mainely Lobster Clam Chowder

Mainely Lobster is basically a hole in the wall. It’s hole right next to the surf shop I frequent and it does not disappoint. The chowder is tasty, if not particularly thick. I got the clam strips and onion ring and oh geesh, those onion rings were sooo good! It was the perfect New England flaky batter I’ve bene looking for. The clam strips were decent. Not exactly like New England, but not bad either. So, three cheers for Mainely Lobster! I’ll definitely be back.


  1. Pingback: Monkey Bread (203/366)

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