Shamrock Shake

In Eating Adventures by Simmie1 Comment


Sooo…have you seen these? Until last year, I didn’t even know they existed until I read about it on another blog. Then, just last week my friend was spouting the wonderfulness that is The Shamrock Shake.

Have you guys had these before? The startlingly green, minty milkshake from McDonald’s?

Since they’re only offered for a limited time, I figured I better jump at the opportunity and got one for me and one for Andrew this afternoon.

Well…I didn’t really like it. The mint is too minty. It tastes a little too unnatural. I wonder if it would be better with chocolate ice cream. The vanilla and the mint remind me of toothpaste. I’m glad I tried it though. I don’t know if I could have gone another year living in wonder about these mythical frozen beverages everyone raves about.

Ah well, check one thing off the bucket list!

In other news, I decorated not one, but TWO cakes tonight. This has to be some sort of record for me. No pictures until later this weekend, cause they’re both surprises!


  1. Some McDonalds will allow you to mix the chocolate and shamrock…delicious! Also this year I think they changed the recipe because they taste slightly different than in the past.

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