Chris! (11/365)

In 365Project2014 by SimmieLeave a Comment




This is Chris! Chris who was the recipient of that slingshot-satellite cake a few days ago. Today was his last day in Maryland so I made him take a picture with me (my hair is just fantastic). Tomorrow he’s hitting the road and heading south to start a brand new adventure. I wish him all the luck. I’m glad I got to see him one more time before he left. Chris and I have had a lot of fun and random adventures in the five or so years he’s been here.

I met Chris during his interview where we work (or he used to work). I was scheduled to meet up with him to give him a young person’s perspective on the workplace and area and answer any questions he might have in an informal setting. The HR people sent me his resume ahead of time and when I read it, my first thought was, “This guy is basically me in male form.” We’re both Asian (duh) and both from Massachusetts. We both did gymnastics growing up and snowboard and rock climb now. I think there are more similarities, but I can’t remember them all now.

In 2009, Chris and I went to Colorado for a week to go snowboarding. It was with him that I my one true, death-defying experience. It involved a snowboard, a really tall mountain, and rocks. Look, here’s a picture of us snowboarding! It was a fun, exhausting, memorable week.

Colorado Snowboarding


For a while we did gymnastics together before he became a CrossFit buff and I started doing taekwondo and other various sporting endeavors. He also started acting so we used to go watch him in local theater and look for him when he was an extra in a movie. 


But now Chris is moving away. I’ve lost my gymnastics/snowboarding/rock climbing buddy who also sings, acts, and dances. He’s a stand up guy and he’s been a great friend since I met him five years ago. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing each other before too long again though.

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