Uh…I might have fallen asleep in a pizza-hazed stupor last night before I got a chance to blog. So, better late than never!
As per usual, I will start this post with a picture of Elise. This time she is holding a spicy shrimp taco we got at a restaurant near my hotel.
After freeloading with Elise for a couple of nights, she dropped me off at my company-sponsored hotel in Old Town, San Diego. Her family is in town which was going to make for a crowded house (also, veering towards overstaying my welcome) and my coworkers are here finally (and my ride to all of our meetings), so it all just made sense.
I had a couple of hours to kill before everyone else arrived, so I decided to walk around Old Town for a bit. At first glance it looks like a giant Mexican tourist trap/gift shop.
At closer look it is a giant Mexican tourist trap/gift shop with some actually interesting museums sprinkled within. The Old Town State Historic Park is a bunch of houses, shops, and buildings designed to look as Old Town would appear in the 1800s. It’s somewhere that’s a cross between, like Williamsburg, VA and Rockport, MA (if those aren’t too obscure references). It was kind of cool to walk around for a few hours.
There was an entire store dedicated to root beer which was pretty cool. There were so many kinds, I couldn’t decide which ones to sample. I lie, the store was dedicated to root beer, jerky, and bacon. An American’s dream.
Outside one of the shops was this guy who created oil paintings using only his fingers and his fingernail. He would dip his finger in the oil paint, smear it around, and create something wonderful.
The cool part, was that you could ask him to make you a custom painting and he would do it for you as you stood there. It’s probably not going to be considered a masterpiece, but the fact that you could watch him make you something especially for you was kind of cool.