Heading West (220/365)

In 365Project2014, Andrew, Travel by SimmieLeave a Comment

Fireworks over Pheonix

I took today off to give myself a chance to get some stuff done before we head out on vacation. I had grand plans for the day and accomplished enough of them so that I don’t feel like I wasted the day. 

After getting myself out of bed a little later than I wanted to, I hit the trail by our house for my long run of the week. With our impending planes, trains, and automobile travel, I didn’t want to have to try to cram in a 10 mile run as well. 

Deer on the Run

We live right near the Rock Creek trail which connects to a series of other trails all the way into DC. I’ve spent most of my long run going just a little bit further each time. It really makes for a beautiful run. The trails general run through the forest and along the creek (duh) which blocks some of the hot sun and keeps it pretty cool. Deer are prevalent, but I still get a little delight when I see some on my run.

After my run, I came home and my first ever batch of jello shots before loading up the car to finally drop off the piles of crap we wanted to donate to Goodwill. By then the day had mostly gotten away from me and it was time for Andrew and I to head to the airport.

Please take a moment to look and compare how we dress for travel.


Whenever we’re going somewhere where Andrew is going to have to wear a suit, he likes to wear it on the plane because it’ll get less wrinkled than trying to pack it into a carry-on suitcase. Whenever we’re going to travel anywhere, I like to be as comfortable as possible. My sweatshirt is made for flying. It has a built in neck pillow, the hood drapes over your face to block out the light, and it came with an eye mask and a travel toothbrush. No joke. Also, I end up looking like a schlub. I always wonder what people are thinking when they see the two of us together at the airport.


We had a layover in Phoenix. As we were taking off, we got to catch an overview angle of fireworks. It’s such an unusual angle to catch them at and I think I like them better than way (because you can’t hear them). While in Phoenix I grabbed this lemonade which sounded interesting and tasted exactly the way you would think it would that would result in the face on the graphic on the bottle. It was weird. It was not really refreshing, but would probably be good if you were sick.

We landed in San Francisco pretty late and Andrew’s brother, Alex came and picked us up. We headed back to his and his girlfriend, Courtney’s place for the night. After a jubilant greeting from their two dogs, it’s finally time to hit the hay. Tomorrow we hit up the train part of our journey.

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