Getting My Hands Dirty (309/365)

In 365Project2014 by SimmieLeave a Comment

Dirty Hands


Literally. My hands were dirty.

Because, not 15 seconds after pulling out of my driveway this morning I realized I had a flat tire. Not just a little deflated, not just a little squishy, but all the way flat. So, I pulled over on the side of the road, made sure the emergency brake was on (especially since I was on a hill. I learned this from a previous tire-changing-incident.), and jacked up the car. This is the first time I ever had to change a tire on this car (it was a fairly regular occurrence with my old car…probably changed a tire once a month back then) and there were so many tools, half of which I had no idea what they were, nor did I need them. As a mechanical engineer, I was a little ashamed I didn’t know what they were for.

I managed the change the tire fairly quickly, all while avoiding getting barreled over by the school bus that speeds down our narrow street and yet still long enough to see an ambulance and fire truck drive up our street and stop a few houses from me. Not sure what was happening there, but I did see an elderly woman get taken out on a stretcher with an oxygen mask. Apparently there were people on the block having worse days than me. (She looked like she was going to be ok though.)

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