Making Plans (327/365)

In 365Project2014, Derby by SimmieLeave a Comment

Today was a glorious day. I slept in and relaxed all morning which was great after the high intensity day that was yesterday. Andrew went out and got us a dozen bagels because apparently the two of us are on a mission to digest as many carbs as possible to kick off this Thanksgiving week.

Too Much Merch


I then spent a lot of time watching Gilmore Girls before going through all of the DemonCats merch that has taken over a good chunk of our house. I have somewhere in the 600 shirt range stuffing our closet, so if anyone wants a DC DemonCats shirt (and why wouldn’t you??), let me know.

Instead of our regular Sunday night dinner this week with Jen and Evan we headed down to Arlington and had dinner with Andrew’s parents. Beforehand we stopped at the mall to check out some furniture for our house that we may or may not acquire at an otherwise unknown time in the future. Mostly it has fueled the fire I have to start more random projects…


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