I Bought A Plant (364/365)

In 365Project2014, Andrew by SimmieLeave a Comment



I’ve never kept a plant alive successfully for longer than a few weeks. I killed bamboo. Melissa once gave me her basil plant to take care of and when she called me three days later, it was dead. Plants are not my thing. Andrew and I have collectively killed four orchids.

But I’m trying again. Yesterday Raine brought us an orchid. After she left, Andrew and I both commented on the fact that we both wanted to try to keep an orchid alive again, but neither of us had the guts to go buy a new one. We’re older, wiser (?), and hopefully more responsible with plants now. We have a mortgage, we pay taxes, we should be able to water a plant on a semi-regular basis. I bought a cheap plant at Ikea this afternoon to put in the living room. I hemmed and hawed in the store, both because I’m never about trying to keep a plant alive, and because I wasn’t quite sure how it was going to look. But, I like it. A lot. It brightens up the corner of the room…for now. Until it turns brown and dies. 

But hopefully it won’t.

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