Apparently I was a little light on the photography this week. It felt like sort of a hectic week between traveling and Purim and snow and prepping to make a wedding cake that I think picture taking was low on my list of priorities.
I left Berkeley on Thursday afternoon. It was sad to leave the warm weather, but at that point, I was glad to go home.
Our Saturday tradition is to get Peruvian chicken before Andrew goes to his hockey games. We split a half and get an order of nice starchy steak fries.
We had this ridiculous ice storm on Sunday. Our streets and sidewalks were covered in a quarter-inch of ice. It was slippery but pretty.
I made my one yearly batch of hamantaschen and managed to eat about two-thirds of them before finally giving away the rest.
Speaking of Purim, Andrew and I did stage crew for our temple’s annual Purim Shpiel. Despite being snowed out of our one dress rehearsal, we managed to pull it off…with a collection of funny hats to boot. Who knew we collectively owned twenty different ridiculous hats?
I walked around for two days wondering why my socks felt wet. Turns out I had huge cracks in the soles of both of my shoes. I guess it’s time for new shoes!