N.E.D. (307/366)

In 365Project by SimmieLeave a Comment

Dancing With N.E.D


Tonight Andrew and I went into the city to see a screening of the movie N.E.D (No Evidence of Disease). It’s a documentary about six cancer surgeons who are trying to raise awareness about gynecological cancer through music. It was an amazing film. Through the stories of people affected by these cancers, I learned so much and learned how much else there is to learn. Hopefully this film will be able to shed some light on something that’s hardly ever talked about and increase public understanding and knowledge.

After the screening, the band performed live. I had no idea what to expect as a band, especially a band made up of six surgeons who live all around the country (seriously, from Alaska to New Orleans). But you know what? They were really good. Many of the people who were in the film were also in attendance and it was sort of surreal to see someone you just saw on the big screen standing next to you. I’m glad they were able to make the trip and share this experience though. I can only imagine how it must have felt for them.

Seriously, check out the website. It’s worth it.

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