The Marine Corps Marathon…What Did I Get Myself Into? (98/365)

In 365Project2014 by Simmie1 Comment

Donation Page98/365

YOU GUYS. YOU GUYS. What was I thinking? I signed up to run a marathon today. We can add this to the list of questionable ideas I’ve had. I used to run a lot of endurance events. A couple of years ago I was all about the half marathons and the triathlons. I’ve actually completed three Olympic distance triathlons, two half marathons, and a bunch of other shorter distance tris and runs. But I could never take the leap to a full marathon.

This year though, well it seemed like as good a year as any to take on the challenge. I’m running the Marine Corps Marathon on October 26, 2014. A few of my friends are also running it and I’ve heard good things. Also, my friend Betsy told me she made me a mix CD for marathon training but she wouldn’t give it to me until I signed up. I am not kidding when I tell you, that is what pushed me over the edge. Apparently mix CDs aren’t only for woo-ing potential love interests in the 1990s. I’ve just told you all the way to my heart.

If I’m going to put myself out there and run 26.2 miles (err…that’s like 26 miles longer than I usually like to run), I figured, why not support a good cause? So, I’m running with the Diabetes Action Team and am raising money to help fund research to prevent, treat, and cure diabetes. Some of my near and dear friends are living with diabetes so this means a lot to me.

Which is where you all come in (are you still reading?). I have a fundraising goal of $500. So I’m asking you to support me as I stumble through 26.2 miles through Washington DC. 

Here’s a link to my donation page:

And if you donate at least $20, I’ll make sure to send you a homemade simmiecakes treat (which, as I am fundraising for diabetes research seems a little ironic…but…everything in moderation). 

Thank you in advance!



  1. Pingback: A Beautiful Morning (115/365)

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