Someone brought ketchup flavored Cheetos to work. They were slightly tomato-y flavored with the texture of cheese doodles. They were way more fluffy than American Cheetos.
Steph I, Mel, and I finally got together for our monthly dinner. Every time we get together I am impressed by how much we all manage to pack into our lives. Every month there’s exciting news to share. I love those dinners.
I made sugar cookies for the first time in a while this past week for our derby bout.
We have over 1700 people come watch us at the Armory. It was awesome!
I finally finished most of the projects I have for our living room. I still want to get a new carpet, some more chairs, and a coffee table, but I’m still searching for the perfect pieces. Maybe they’ll be new, but maybe they’ll be more DIY projects. Can you tell what I DIY’d here?
We went shopping at Costco before the Super Bowl. We ended up with 4 giant packages of bacon. Good thing it’s good until May!